This summer go
SCORE: 18 Beers
A righteous finger of the proper sort pointing towards the heavens.
It's rare that Drunken Master will sit through a major motion picture
and feel pummeled. But this grand film stands up among the crowd and says
I'm a chick flick, watch me, I'm beautiful. Out there in the audience there
is a man, who is drunk off his ass......entertained he is not, wait.......he
is pissed off. This movie sucks, in the most painful of ways. This is clueless meets
Harvard and then plows head-on into a brick wall at 110 miles
an hour. Excitement is not what I speak of, but impending death, something
that I wish would have come quick as opposed to watching this movie. Humor
was sparse and fairly nonexistent, anything close to entertainment was far
fetched and readily launched in a catapult away from the viewer. Imagine
watching a two hour visual thing....and then having a Frenchmen standing
over you, and every time you hinted at a smile or chuckle he gave you the
back of his hand and shouted "Fetchidemoss!!!". At this point of the review
I must debate why I did not simply skewer this movie with a 24......Reese
Witherspoon in a bikini. Thus endeth the review.
Retort to Drunken
From the mind that brought you the review of Jawbreaker
& Spice World... How could you NOT like Legally Blonde? It
just has, DRUNKEN MASTER MOVIE written all over it. <LOL>